
Build accessible PDFs automatically

Porter does two things really well:
1) We build well-designed reports programmatically from your data.
2) The resulting PDFs we output are fully WCAG/EAA compliant out-of-the-box.


When you need to create the same report multiple times (eg. monthly, annually) you should perhaps automate the process. We'll help you integrate data from across your organisation and various data sources into a beatiful document.

  • any recurring and/or cumbersome customized reporting into PDF-format
  • upload files or 'order' a pdf via API
  • print quality, or including required markup, e.g. iXBRL
  • WCAG and EAA fully compliant PDFs, even when created automatically
  • financial reporting required for regulatory compliance, such as Annual, Semi-annual, Quarterly, ESG
  • specialized reporting like portfolios, SFDR, PRIIP KIDs for fund companies, banking, private equity etc.

We can use your current data or help you streamline a better data delivery.

PRIIP KIDs are Key Information Documents for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products. They come in several forms, e.g. precontractual and periodical, as stipulated in the EUs RTS (regulatory technical standard). We automate the monthly and yearly reportings.

SFDR, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation is part of a growing set of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) regulation aimed at bringing more transparency and awareness to the financial services sector. We automate these and other ESG reportings as well.

With ESEF (European Single Electronic Format) the EU is making iXBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) the new standard for EU business reporting (as well as US, UK etc).
Starting June 28th 2025, the European Accessibility Act (EAA) demands a higher level of accessility in the European Union. Get ready!

Porter is

Fast. Once setup, your big report is ready in minutes.
Repeatable. Update with new data files, done.
Beautiful and consistent. Reports look great every time, with graphics, tables, graphs all supporting your brand look.
Convenient. Finetune each year as needs and regulations evolve. Translations included. See what has changed to make sure nothing else has. Collaborate. Custom solutions.
The future. Let machines do the tedious work.
Compliant. WCAG and EAA accessibility standards compliant. Any output formats you need (Print quality PDF, web, iXBRL, XML, custom…).

Talk to us

If you are still doing reports the old way, let us show you an alternative.

You will save a ton of work and wonder how on earth you did this manually before. And you will sleep well, knowing that your data is correct and safe.

You can use a wide variety of deliveries like Word, Excel, XML, JSON, databases... Just bring us the data and tell us what you need.
